The Leadership Coaching Process is Your Path to Greatness

Man in suit standing outside of a building

Deciding to work with a leadership coach is a big step for those who are still struggling to understand why their careers or personal lives are not going the way that they had planned. Often, it is easier to blame others than to accept the fact that growth comes from a place inside of each of us that must sometimes be coaxed awake with the help of the leadership coaching process.

Define Goals

It starts with defining a set of goals that you’d like to set for yourself. These often take the form of the client seeking out and getting involved in leadership opportunities. Your leadership coach will work with you to figure out where your strengths and weaknesses lie, then to use that insight to find more situations for you to stretch your leadership muscles.

Set of Steps

Once you’ve defined your goals, you’ll create a set of steps that you can take to accomplish those goals. Here’s an example: If your goal was to speak up more often during an upcoming board meeting, your action steps might be:

  1. Thoroughly research the topic at hand
  2. Write down three things you’d like to say
  3. Practice using an assertive, professional tone to get your point across

Take Action

Next, you’ll find yourself in the situation that your action steps were preparing you for. Whether you meet or fail to meet your goal, it’s valuable data to bring back to your leadership coach. Once you meet again, you’ll discuss what happened and why it happened that way. This allows you to adjust your goals, come up with new and unique approaches to accomplishing them, and to continue working towards your stretch goals. With a leadership coach on your side, you’ll see growth soon after starting a program, especially if you’re willing to put in the time and the effort into participating in the program with an open mind.

Once you’ve begun, you won’t believe how different you’ll start to view yourself and the situations you find yourself in. Soon, you’ll be able to tackle any obstacle that life throws at you, with the help of qualified coaches like Lori Moen of Catalyst Group ECR. Start the leadership coaching process now and you’ll discover the leader that’s been inside of you all along.

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