Category: Business Coaching

What Can I Expect During Business Owner or Executive Roundtables?

Business owner and executive roundtables provide the structure and opportunity in a safe, professional environment for those passionate about peer accountability, mentorship, and relationships. Unlike traditional networking events, these meetings have an end goal in mind– Helping you grow with a group of like-minded individuals with a laser focus on the specific hurdles that come ...

8 Tips for Managing Business Owner Overwhelm

This week, we have a guest post from a freelance writer who has some useful tips for helping busy business owners avoid chaos and get things done! If you’re interested in similar content, you can check out our recent entries on motivating your team or creating a positive workplace culture. Overwhelm is something I deal with ...

5 Tips for Building Confidence as a Business Owner

It takes a lot of confidence as a business owner to make bold decisions and take big risks.  Confidence is crucial for dealing with some of the most challenging facets of owning a business, like handling conflict fairly, providing helpful feedback, and communicating effectively with others. When we lack confidence, it doesn’t take long for others ...

4 Websites for Small Business Owners to Fuel Their Growth

One of the best ways to grow your business– other than working with a business coach, of course– is to surround yourself with examples, guides, and stories that inspire your entrepreneurial spirit. There is a wealth of resources online, but finding them can sometimes feel like panning for gold in a mighty river of information. ...

8 Ideas for Motivating Your Team

Keeping your team motivated is key to building a thriving business culture. A Gallup poll on employee engagement and motivation found that highly-engaged teams are absent from work 41% less than those that are not and show a 17% rise in productivity.  Despite that, the same study showed that only 33% of employees across the United ...

The Hands-Off, Delegating Laissez-Faire Leader

This article on the laissez-faire leader is the final entry of our 12-part series on the different leadership styles. You can check out October’s Monthly Huddle to get a general overview and catch up on our past articles! What Defines a Laissez-Faire Leader In French, the term “laissez-faire” literally means “allow to do,” and that’s exactly what ...

Changing Roles for Business Owners

In your quest to plan for and execute the transition from your business on your terms – know that you will face challenges.  While some are apparent – there will be others that remain subtle and unseen.  As business owners we have our own misperceptions.  Often, we tend to believe that because we have built this ...

The Focused, Advocating Facilitative Leader

This article on the team leader is part X of our 12-part series on the different leadership styles. You can check out October’s Monthly Huddle to get a general overview and follow along each week as we explore them in-depth.  What Defines a Facilitative Leader? Facilitative leaders are those that strive to set their teams up to ...

The Diverse, Diplomatic Cross-Cultural Leader

This article on the team leader is part IX of our 12-part series on the different leadership styles. You can check out October’s Monthly Huddle to get a general overview and follow along each week as we explore them in-depth.  As our ability to connect on a global scale continues to skyrocket, the need for people ...

The Fair, Influential Team Leader

This article on the team leader is part VIII of our 12-part series on the different leadership styles. You can check out October’s Monthly Huddle to get a general overview and follow along each week as we explore them in-depth.  Teams are the lifeblood of many businesses, and it takes a special kind of leadership to ...