Category: Business Coaching

Do I Need a Business Coach?

If you’ve been a business leader or owner for a while, there’s a good chance you’ve already considered working with a third party to help accelerate your growth and reflect on your professional processes.  Perhaps you’ve hit a rut and aren’t seeing the same results that you were a year ago, or you’ve consistently hit every ...

Hiring and Recruiting in 2023: Who is Your Ideal Employee?

What comes to mind as you think about your business goals for 2023? For many, it’s how to grow their team with talented employees with a thorough, effective hiring and recruiting strategy.  It’s been years since applying for a job entailed completing a paper application, going through an interview, and making a final decision.  Today, thanks to ...

It’s Time to Bring an End to the “Work Family” Culture

Employees are becoming increasingly wary of job postings that contain phrases like “We’re a work family” or “Join our company family.” Still, many industry leaders are left pondering why job seekers wouldn’t want to join in on such a tight-knit company culture.  The aptly named “Great Resignation” has left many seeking opportunities with companies that allow ...

Prioritizing Your Small Business Goals

Decisions, decisions, decisions.  As a small business owner, you’re already familiar with the sheer number of choices you have to make in a day, from what to wear when you wake up in the morning to whether you should invest your already-tight budget in more inventory.  Obviously, those two tasks don’t share the same level of importance ...

Researching Customer Pain Points

Now that you understand the types of customer pain points–process, support, financial, and productivity– you can start researching customer pain points to identify the specific barriers that your business needs to address.  The best approach is to use a mix of qualitative and quantitative research. Leaning too heavily on numbers removes the customer voice and humanity, ...

Customer Pain Points, Part I: The 4 Types

As the name implies, customer pain points are a pain to think about. Correcting them requires time, energy, and resources you may not have on hand at the time, or you feel it’s a non-issue, even if your customers don’t.  However, brands willing to put the time into creating a smooth, simple process for the customers ...

8 EOY Reflection Questions for Business Owners

Last week, we gave a brief overview of how to conduct a year-end review. Now, we’ll dig into some more specifics, starting with reviewing your goals with a set of EOY reflection questions.  Feel free to skip around or pick and choose the questions you want to think about, depending on your specific situation. The most ...

Conducting a Year-End Business Review

With 2023 a mere four months away, many business owners are thinking about how they can set their company up for success. A year-end business review can help you understand the full scope of where you are now and how far you can go in the new year.  If this is your first time conducting a ...

What Can You Do After You Sell Your Business?

The decision to sell your business isn’t taken lightly, but sometimes the opportunity is too good to pass up. Often, that leaves business owners in their 30s, 40s, or 50s with a lot of money, few responsibilities, and many years ahead of them to fill with a purposeful existence.  Depending on your personality, obligations, and goals, ...

Can You Identify the Signs of Employee Burnout?

According to the Research Department at the University of Massachusetts, job stress and employee burnout lead to serious long-term consequences for businesses to the tune of costing American companies $300 billion per year due to increased absenteeism, health-related costs, and loss of productivity.  When leaders can identify the signs, they have the option of taking preventative ...