Category: Business Coaching

A Guide to the Eleventh Element of Employee Engagement: Prioritizing Progress-Based Feedback

Consider your workplace’s relationship with feedback. Is it treated like an annual obligation that managers have to check off of their to-do lists? If so, you and your leadership team miss countless opportunities to motivate and course-correct.  Employees don’t wait until their yearly performance review to grow and change; you shouldn’t wait until then to let ...

A Guide to the Tenth Element of Employee Engagement: Encouraging Workplace Friendships

In some workplaces—authoritarian ones, namely—there’s a lingering belief that workplace friendships are little more than distractions, pulling employees away from their responsibilities and reducing productivity. These leaders see those strong, personal relationships as a threat to efficiency, but in reality, workplace friendships can have a significant positive impact on collaboration and, yes, even job performance.  That’s ...

A Guide to the Ninth Element of Employee Engagement: A Company Culture of Hard Work

Perhaps one of the most surprising aspects of employee engagement actually has little to do with themselves:  “My associates or fellow employees are committed to doing quality work.” In any workplace, it doesn’t take long for employees to notice when someone’s not pulling their weight. Whether it’s the colleague who’s mysteriously “busy” every time a deadline looms ...

A Guide to the Eighth Element of Employee Engagement: A Company Mission Statement With Purpose

When was the last time you assessed your mission statement?  If the answer is when you started your business, it might be time for a refresh.  Empirical evidence shows that a large proportion of prospective employees prioritize purpose over salary when job hunting. For example, 44% of them submit a lower wage bid after learning about an employer’s values ...

A Guide to the Sixth Element of Employee Engagement: Encouraging Employees to Grow Professionally

Today marks the halfway point of our ongoing series covering Gallup’s Element of Employee Engagement! To recap on the previous entries, click the links down below, or read on to check out our latest entry: “There is someone at work that encourages my development.” James Cash Penney, the founder of J.C. Penney, is quoted as saying, “Growth ...

A Guide to the Fifth Element of Employee Engagement: Caring About Employee Well-Being

The fifth of Gallup’s Element of Employee Engagement states: “My supervisor, or someone at work, seems to care about me as a person.” If you’ve been in business for a while, we’d wager that you’ve thought, “How can I encourage my employees to show up for their job because they enjoy the work and the environment, instead ...

A Guide to the Fourth Element of Employee Engagement: Recognition and Praise

Next up, we’re covering Gallup’s Element of Employee Engagement #4: “In the last 7 days, I’ve received recognition or praise for doing good work.” Though recognition and praise are often considered “extras” in a professional setting, in reality, they’re 100% necessary for a highly engaged, productive work environment. A workplace that fails to notice and appreciate effort ...

A Guide to the Second Element of Employee Engagement: Providing Employee Tools & Materials Necessary for Success

Welcome to our deep dive into Gallup’s Element of Employee Engagement #2: “I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right.” Only three out of ten US employees agree with this statement, meaning most American workers feel they do not have the tools to do their jobs properly.  This second element is a basic ...

A Guide to the First Element of Employee Engagement: Setting and Communicating Expectations

This is an in-depth guide on Gallup’s first element of employee engagement: “I know what is expected of me at work.” The above statement seems straightforward and one that most people should be able to agree with confidently. But you might be surprised how many employees are fuzzy on exactly what their role is, often through no ...

Gallup’s 12 Elements of Employee Engagement: Insights for Small Business Owners

A business is only as good as its employees, and excellent performance comes from positive engagement. The more you invest in your team, the more they will give you, so employee engagement should be a top priority.  Gallup’s 12 Elements of Employee Engagement detail the essential ways you must support your workers, from encouraging healthy friendships ...